Pedigrees & Stud Book
Pedigrees & Stud Book | The Clydesdale Breeders of the United States is pleased to announce the availability of our online Pedigrees and Stud book program . Access to this resource is available to all. The program allows you to search for both horses and owners via a variety of criteria. For horses, you can view their ownership, offspring, and basic extended pedigrees. For owners, you can view all their current and past horse ownership records. Access to the pedigree program is available here Pedigrees & Stud book or directly at
Purchase Your Stud Book
Every year the Clydesdale Stud Book will be available for purchase through "print on demand" features utilized by the Association through Amazon. All you have to do is click the link below and you will be directed to Amazon where the entire series from 2018-Current year are available. Amazon will print you a copy, and ship it directly to your door. For questions please contact the pedigree committee. Previous year's books are being compiled, so check back soon.